I defended my PhD (1981) and habilitation thesis (1991) in social geography with interests lying mainly in the field of transformation processes in European cities. While working in both West- and East European research organisations (Amsterdam, Hamburg, Munich, Bonn, Moscow) I gained experience in running and coordinating international projects. I published extensively on the topics of world cities, business services in urban environments, creative cities and creative class. Since 2011 I made a switch in my career from research to research development and currently work as a grant advisor by the University of Amsterdam (UvA). Based on my academic experience and knowledge of funding landscape I am coaching researchers from social sciences and law in developing their academic careers, developing exciting research ideas and obtaining large European and national research grants. I am a member of a Standing Committee for Internationalisation in the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA), dealing mostly with countries with academic cultures different than in North-Western Europe (Eastern Europe, Japan).