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The dedicated research grant advisor from the Grant Support Team IXA UvA for Faculty of Economics and Business researchers is Soraya Mols.


The Grant Team of the Faculty of Economics and Business consists of the following roles and persons:

Administrative support

  • NWO letter of guarantee
  • ERC commitment of host institution
Drs. B.C. (Bas) Bouten MBA

Faculty of Economics and Business

Secretariat ABS

A.M. (Alisa) Mulder MSc

Faculty of Economics and Business

Secretariat ASE

Advice & support regarding individual grants


  • Communicate funding opportunities
  • Organize grant training workshops
  • Give advice on acquiring national and international grants
  • Assist with match-making: linking you to researchers from other disciplines and faculties
  • Help prepare a sound proposal (from idea to submission)
  • Conduct proposal design meetings with proposal partners
  • Provide advice on consortium formation
  • Provide feedback on proposals, rebuttals, and presentations
  • Conduct interview training sessions
Dr. S.E.C. (Soraya) Mols

Financial support

  • Budgets of proposals
Drs. E.H.V. (Erik) van Loon


T. (Tamara) Sahakyan


Legal advice

  • Consortium Agreements
  • Grant Agreements
  • Legal related questions and documents

Mw. Mariëlle Duijn-Kreulen, IXA Legal Counsel

Partnering science for impact

  • Knowledge transfer
  • Patents & licensing
  • Intellectual Property policy
  • Management & transfer and new ventures
Drs. S.T. (Silvia) Goddijn

Dr. M. (Mark) Siebert

Open calls

IXA produces and disseminates a monthly newsletter containing information on funding opportunities. To subscribe to the IXA monthly newsletter please follow this link.