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Here you can find an overview of different funding providers, their ways of operating and links to their sites.

The information is grouped in National funding, European funding in Horizon 2020, Smaller funds and UvA valorisation funding.

For an overview of individual grants please click the following link. 

Grant Update newsletter

Provides you monthly with an overview of selected upcoming NWO and EU deadlines. Further we keep you updated on future funding programs and developments and our events.  


The information on research funding opportunities provided on this site is not exhaustive. While every effort has been made to verify the information in this section, the Grant Support team accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of information provided. Some links may lead to information maintained by third parties and IXA UvA-HvA accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of information obtained through such links.

If you notice a broken link, a missing funding agent or deadline, please inform us by email.