The EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation
The programme encourages collaboration as a means of strengthening the impact of research and innovation in response to both EU policies and global challenges. It therefore supports the creation and circulation of knowledge and innovation; aims to implement the European Green Deal and the digital and sustainability transition; and aims to boost the EU’s recovery from the coronavirus crisis. Global challenges addressed through the programme include tackling climate change, promoting sustainable development and fighting cancer.
Participation is for legal entities from within the EU, as well as from other countries that have chosen to associate to the Horizon Europe programme.
Pillar 1 Excellent Science: aims at strengthening and developing the excellence of the EU science base. It encompasses the following grant schemes:
Pillar 2 Global Challenge and European Industrial Competitiveness: promotes collaborative projects which are organised in the following interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral, cross-policy and cross-border clusters:
Pillar 3 Innovative Europe: aims to make Europe a market-creating innovation through a new European Innovation Council (EIC). It also supports the integration of business, research, and higher education and entrepreneurship to lead to development of new technologies through European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
Widening participation and spreading excellence: contributes to building research and innovation capacity for countries falling behind. It helps researchers from such countries to strengthen their participation in international research and innovation processes.
The European Commission publishes a Work Programme for each of these schemes that includes various calls for proposals. Note that the ERC and EIC schemes are provided with separate Work Programmes.
Aim to enhance the success rate of funding by pursuing defined targets and objectives. They are designed to encourage the pooling of resources in working towards specific goals and to deliver concrete results by 2030.
The five missions are:
Team IRIS, a part of the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO), is the national contact point (NCP) for Horizon Europe in the Netherlands. They provide information on the Horizon Europe programme and a convenient Wegwijzer giving information on many of the current calls. This information is currently provided only in Dutch.
The EC's Funding and Tenders Portal enables you to search past, present and future calls for funding across Horizon Europe and other funding programmes. This is the most authoritative source of information about any particular call.
The EU Login is the European Commission's user authentication service. It allows authorised users to access a wide range of information systems, including the Funding & Tenders portal, using a single username and password.
Organisations are identified to the European Commission by a unique Participant Identification Code (PIC), which should be used in all Horizon Europe applications. The PIC for the UvA is 999985708.
The UvA has developed a human resources improvement programme integrating the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. In recognition of this proposed plan of improvement, the UvA has been awarded the HR Excellence in Research logo. You should refer to this policy and include this logo in your Horizon Europe applications.