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If you intend to apply for a research grant and need further assistance, please contact one of our research grant advisors. 

Z.B. (Beril) Karabetyan

Fac of Science - ILLC, IvI, IoP, KdV, SILS

Dr. C.A.L. (Carolien) Zijderveld

Fac of Science - IBED and Fac of Humanities - ACLC

Dr. ir. G.P.C.M. (Karin) van de Sande

Fac of Science - ILLC, IvI, IoP, KdV, SILS

Dr. M.S. (Michael) Williams

UvA Consortia

Dr. O.V. (Olga) Gritsai

Fac of Law and Fac of Social and Behavioral Sciences - ASCoR

Dr. R.P. (Rónán) McLaughlin

Fac of Social and Behavioral Sciences - Psychology, Child Development and Education and Fac of Science - API, SILS, HIMS

Dr. S.E.C. (Soraya) Mols

Fac of Economics and Business and Fac of Science - HIMS

R. (Rocío) Díez Arazola MA MSc


HvA advisors research funding:

General contact details:

Science Park 904, B 0.160 | Postbus 1214, 1000 BE  Amsterdam

T: +31 (0)20 525 5417